Fr John has been saying this as well. He is a very Holy priest at the Monastery I go to for confession sometimes--when I can get there. 90 miles away.
As did Fr. Michel Rodrigue, who has no speaking events scheduled after the end of next month and that one is in Canada. Sister Sasagawa, I had that epiphany in October. It is upon us, not sure how I know, but it's here people
Sister Anne also claims it may come during Lent this year. It can’t come soon enough if you ask me but we’ve been wrong so many times before!
You know after watching the videos and reading your comments it suddenly occurred to me ..what if sister agnes was indeed giving us all a hint??? what if the Put on ashes actually was referring to Ash Wednesday which is the 26th February the day we all put on ashes ???
Interestingly, it would be shortly after the Pope's synodal exhortation which is scheduled to be published in February and which could cause a schism in the Church.
I believe we fail to understand the downward trajectory we are on. While there are encouraging signs that give us hope, the darkening consequences of sin still need more time to unfold. 2022. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Blizzard, . I made the same analogy to 2020 vision in regard to the Warning being this year also. Just a guess but this year is crucial, very crucial!!!
Agree! Easter falls on April 12 this year. According to Garabandal seer, the miracle comes in "Even number year, April, Communism returns and things are at their worst". No indicators at this point that "things are at their worst" by any stretch, "communism has not returned" globally, though its ideology is growing. Things look to be real bad within the next two years; 2022.
I agree...we must be open to “God's time table “....whenever it may be. I have hope that Garabandal is authentic...if it is, then it still might be soon. Regardless, we need to always be ready...and open to the day of His choosing...not our own.
Communism has returned to Spain since the new Government was established earlier in January 2020: a coalition of socialists, communists, independists, and republicans. They are openly set to destroy Spain, and even to deny its recent history as it happened. It looks like we are heading towards a repeat of the communist-republican state of things in 1931, where priests, nuns, and practicing Catholics were martyred daily (tousands have been now beatified), convents and churches destroyed ... It trigered the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939, which ended with the victory of anti-communist Spain (with God's help in spite of isolation from the whole Western world). Things are certainly not "at its worst" at this point ... I don't think that the Garabandal seers meant that communism would return globally: Spain was pretty much their whole world. So I take that the "return of communism" as per their statement has JUST happened this January 2020. Personally I don't think that the Warning comes this year. It is too early yet for everything that needs to happen before to come together. But in two or three years time, maybe 5 at most, might be it. And this is a pretty short time anyway. Time is accelerating almost by the day.
Fr Mark is brave. I love him. He may also be very,very wrong. Look at Prophesies in Utube. There are thousands and thousands which give exact wrong dates. The thing is if he is wrong he undercuts a lot of the very good work he is doing. On the other hand this is not a mistake he would be likely to make twice.
Its not just time being accelerated, it is evil and division as well. The devil is very active in the world and the church at the moment, as God has loosened his chain. And as the world and church cooperates with the devil his chain grows longer and longer. So little truth is left in most souls and this would not be the case if the church hierarchy was not complicit in it all. Out best days of the past are gone, but our best days in the near future are coming. Maranatha!