I feel urgently called in prayer by Our Lady to lock the forum to posts for a period of a month. Since it is Our Lady's forum I only do as I am told. I had some discernment of this with others and am happy this is God's Will. Why would Our Lady want this? I just don't know, but the Wisdom of God is foolishness to men and I am happy to do as I am told. Please do not forget the wishes of Heaven expressed through Mary, Pray the rosary, Fast. Make sacrifices. pray,pray , pray.. See you all soon Bye.
Well down No I was not Jerry . To be honest I am just tired and sitting here drinking a bottle of Poteen and I missed it so very much Jerry, I am sure Our Lady won't mind we were off for a right while.
I'm happy the forum was closed on Monday after the letter came out of the synod, what a debacle with schism all over the place. It was interesting that my most traditional Catholic friends were the ones pulling their hair out, tried to calm folks down, but this board would have seen an uproar. Much ado about nothing, just evil forces trying to get us fight amongst ourselves and question, God, Pope Francis, our bishops, and fight amongst each other. Thank you very much for the one month break, it was nice and quiet, I've been anxiously awaiting more news from our beloved Charlie, hope he feels better soon to release his two awaited articles on the monetary system and also what that upcoming general shape of the world will look like and what events to watch for. God bless!
Sorry, didn't think I was starting any controversy and don't feel any need to talk about it. I figured it's already in the past as the bishops did a fine job of putting out that brush fire the next day, enjoy the Poteen
Actually Jerry I think the danger is to happen latter this month , Our lady wanted it closed, I think in preperation for the event rather than during it.
Padraig, that's what I've been feeling in prayer as well. That something big is coming later this month and that we needed to pray, pray, pray in preparation. You're a good steward to do it and it helped me, for sure
No not ended just beginning “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see Cardinals opposing Cardinals, Bishops against other Bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres (other priests). Churches and altars will be sacked. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. “The demon will be especially implacable against the souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of My sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them. “...Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able to still save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in Me will be saved.”
Will double up on the daily rosaries then dedicating the whole second one to Pope Francis, our bishops, and priests. Do you have a feeling for what shape the danger will come in on the 26th?
I'm no mystic but I feel something "big" is imminent. I've felt it would be in late October for quite a while. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Mercy on us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. All you Holy Angels and Saints, pray for us.
No matter what has to come I am so,happy and blessed that we are all able to communicate and pray together again. We can help each other be bright lights of hope in The coming darkness. Welcome back.
I ask all of you your prayers for this very urgent need...please pray for me as I pray for you. Good to see MOG forum up and running again...God bless!
I have had emails from visionaries and 'ordinary' ; lay Catholics right across the planet.Ordinary people; not visionaries who have had prayerful input about this month. There can be no doubt at all this is a kick off month, look at what we have seen already. My own sense is the 26th. I also got this from a lady I know and trust in Virginia I have prayed about ,from I got it from her several months ago. I hate people who give dates they are so often wrong; but that is my own prayerful sense.