FATIMA: The Path to Peace Conference

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mothersuperior7, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
  2. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Thanks MS. Theres no way I can watch all the conferences, but if any members here see a good one ,please dont hesitate to let us know,thanks.
  3. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Not sure what to make of this one, may interest some....
    picadillo likes this.
  4. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    I did not want to mention Msgr Luigi Villa (was Padre Pio's "understudy"), who recently died and his activities. Very interesting, especially the campaign he led against PP6 canonization, and also the book he wrote about him. Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.
    Mac likes this.
  5. Mac

    Mac Guest

    An interesting thread[ Msgr Luigi Villa] if Padraig allows us to look into it.
    Padraig, can we look at this on your forum?
  6. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    Outstanding talk about Fr Malachi Martin and third secret of Fatima.
  7. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Two things stick out with me in this video. 1> This information seems to model Ralph Martin's Prophecy at Rome http://salesianity.blogspot.com/2009/05/remembering-1975-rome-prophecies.html 2> The messages of Garabandal, especially the admonition that the Warninig would come "when Communism (Russia) is at its worst". Aside from the bit annoying delivery from the speaker, this is very important information.
    Genuflect and sunburst like this.
  8. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    EXCELLENT video from conference!! NEEDS TO BE LISTENED TO BY ALL. Remember this evil Pope he speaks about is NOT a validly elected pope.
  9. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    Powerful content of the conference "Answering Intellectual Dead Ends on Fatima":

    We've heard so much that Fatima even though approved by the Church it's "only a private revelation". This talk discloses for me a perspective of the Children of Fatima as Prophets in line with the very greatest ones: Moses, Isaiah etc

    Today new powerful locutions were published in LTTW on The Gift Of Fatima, locutions given around and during the days of the Fatima conference. I don't think it is a coincidence but a "godincidence".

    WE are asked to pray and make sacrifices in order to bring Fatima to fruition, and the Pope to the Consecration of Russia EXACTLY as requested by Our Blessed Mother.

    Let us pray and fast, and support one another in our faith.
  10. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Years ago (like 20 or more), I understood Father Gruner to be a bad priest, if even a priest at all. Aside from his point of view that the consecration never took place in the right form, I can not think of what else I was warned of then. Now that I know more about the consecration that JPII made in 1984 and only consecrated the world and not Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I think Father Gruner was and is right. Anyone else have insight on this?
  11. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    I too was told long ago to stay away from Fr. Gruner and that he was a nut case. Since going to a MMP Conference three years ago I have changed my mind. I heard one of the most gifted priests I'd ever met speak about Fr. Gruner with these words, "He just might be the most persecuted priest in the world. We all owe him an apology. His name and reputation has been sullied so much that to even say it others scoff. The adversary has done everything to try to destroy and silence him. The lies and twists and turns are mind boggling. He is a priest in good standing yet 9 out of 10 people think he is not. He is a saint of our time and has tirelessly and boldly proclaimed the message of Fatima and called on the carpet those who have failed to follow our Lady's direction and her request. I wish I could be sitting next to him when the consecration is done. He just might die of joy."

    My friends who have met Fr. Gruner say he is like Mother Theresa or PJPII. Quiet and prayerful and intently listens to you as if you were the only person in the world talking to him.

    I read somewhere that he was years ago one of the advocates of a 'Brother Gino' in Italy who was the 'new Padre Pio'. After I read the scandalous story, I realized that if he had advocated for Brother Gino then most of the Vatican had also. Bro. Gino duped thousands of people and molested hundreds of children and even the nuns who worked with him, when finally the operation came to light that he had embezzled money, molested children, faked stigmata and miraculous things --these nuns refused to believe and said that their loyalty to him was more 'important' than being loyal to Rome...uggg.

    He was a brain washer and a evil man. Those in charge of brother Gino, and those in the Vatican who covered up the multitudes of complaints of parents who had sent their children to Italy to Brother Gino's school and were molested and forever harmed in their faith are liable and culpable. EVERYONE who advocated for him was duped. Not just Fr. Gruner.

    By their fruits you shall know them. Father Gruner has very very good fruits and in my opinion, our Lord and Lady are using him to bring about truth right now and we need to listen closely.
    Mac likes this.
  12. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    MS7, I use to subscribe to the Fatima Crusader 25-30 years ago. After I read various places and magazines that Father Gruner was not even a real priest and that indeed the Consecration had taken place, I dumped him like a hot potato. I feel really bad now, but I had no better resources back then to argue for him. I think he may be the lone voice in the wilderness on this most important mission of fulfilling the request of Our Lady of Fatima. One thing is for sure, after nearly 30 years since JPII reportedly fulfilled our lady's request in 1984, it is obvious and apparent that he did not make it. Our world is in worse shape now then it was 30 years ago. God bless Father Gruner and Father Kramer with their apostolate. I would say Father Amorth is the one who convinced me that the consecration has not taken place.

    As far as Brother Gino, I use to follow him to. He was a popular 'mystic' back then. Lost track of him and did not know what you revealed about him. Wow, he had everyone fooled.
    sunburst and mothersuperior7 like this.
  13. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    I never knew of Fr Gruner or the Fatima Crusade until recently, maybe a year or two ago but it was eye opening watching some of the videos of a past Fatima Conference.

    I remember very distinctly my complete disappointment in the year 2000 when the Third Secret was supposedly released and all the pages and pages of explanations and blah, blah, blah, blah we got from Cardinal Bertone and then Cardinal Ratzinger ... I felt cheated and kind of closed a page about Fatima, which had been a very dear and close to my heart thing since childhood. That's why I really was waiting for the release of the Third Secret and remember so keenly my disappointment.

    It seems to me that now time is turning things around, we are in the last days of Bertone's command, and he certainly doesn't have a hold on Pope Francis.

    You may be interested in listening to this video, full of detailed information, on the odds and misleadings of the whole official thing and the press conference after the release of the Third Secret in 2000. Quite a well informed and documented presentation.

  14. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    I hope this thread stays alive and discussed, as we have been deceived by the highest authorities in the Church. This video is par excellent in detailing this travesty. Our Lady of Fatima must be so hurt by this deceit :(
  15. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    I am going to say two things after watching the video above. 1> It seems likely that the 3rd secret of Fatima may well have been destroyed by Cardinal's in the Vatican, since they so dipise its content and refuse to devulge its full content. 2> Could it be that since the Vatican does not desire to reveal the 3rd secret of Fatima, that it is possible the 10 secrets of all 6 seers at Medjugore is the context of the 3rd secret of Fatima and that only when they are revealed (which will be to late) will the Pope finally consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Could it be that this is why Medjugorje seers have said that "Medjugorje is the fullfillment of the Fatima message"? God will not be mocked and will not let his mothers messages be mocked by those in the Vatican who have refused, like Jonah, to spread the message of repentance or else!!
  16. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Doesn't it or couldn't it completely make sense though. If the 100 years of the devil's power over the church as seen by Pope Leo began in 1917 for example then we have 4 years until it is over. In that 4 years time could God and Mary be (and have been) preparing the world for the era of peace, the era of Mary after that 100 years end. Also wouldn't it make sense that if God allowed the devil to take over, God being God and one step ahead, gave the world at the same time Our Mother...His Mother. She has been here to warn and aid the world to endure through this 100 years and now at the very end of it, preparing us for God's greatest gift to all of mankind; His greatest act of love and mercy by letting every soul know he is there and has always been there. Show every soul how their sin hurt everyone involved including Him. Then wait for that soul to humbly ask for forgiveness, to soften their heart and hard shell and beg for His forgiveness. Finally that soul would be filled with His Love and ultimately we can be in the era of Mary and her Love for at least some time until the true great end comes with the coming of our Lord!
  17. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
  18. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Really the last two posts may come to pass, however the thing is we are about to undergo the greatest persecution of the faith, because our Popes have not consecrated Russia. "The good will be martyred", "Russia will annihilate countries" this the promise from Our Lady of Fatima and what lies ahead for us (very soon) and well before Satan's defeat and the era of peace. Are we prepared for this? Are we doing our part and participating in First Saturday Communion of Reparations?
    sunburst and picadillo like this.
  19. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Is it too late for the consecration? I can't know if I am ready. I can only pray and put it in God's hands regardless. I am trying not to fear any more no matter what but it is not easy.
  20. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Our Blessed Mother has said, "it will be late". However, we know it must still take place in order for the conversion of Russia and to have true peace on earth. Here is what we must do to prepare. 1) say the rosary daily 2) wear the brown scapular in devotion to Mary, 3) frequent the sacraments of communion and confession, 4) make frequent visits to Our Eucharistic Lord, 5) make the 5 first Saturday Communion of Reparations. Mary and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.
    sunburst likes this.

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