I would like to put up this website about falsely accused priests but not sure how to go about it.This tells about Father Gordon MacRae imprisoned for 18 years and recent books written about this terrible tragedy. One can also write Father. www.thesestonewalls.com
Hi Rory, Interesting idea. I remember hearing the prosecuting attorney from the Boston case being interviewed -- the Boston case of sexual abuse which was one of the first, if i believe. He, the attorney that convicted priests, said that the negative effect will be people coming out of the woodwork alleging abuse that NEVER happened and looking to get money from the Church. I found it noteworthy that even HE said that. I remember speaking to my father about this. He and i both grew up being altar boys and seeing priests regularly. Neither of us ever had any problems. And my father felt very grateful towards a priest that used to take our kids to ball games and such. He didn't like the reputations of good priests being tarnished. regards Skate
I hope others will write Father MacRae. Since I found this website I have been praying for him every day. I hope someone with tons of money will help him get out and be a mentor for those wrongfully imprisoned. May God bring hope to him and and peace and healing to all who were abused and repentance to those abusing.
I keep praying for Father MacRae every day. I hope others also will pray for all wrongfully imprisoned priests that justice may prevail.