WARNING: grave Covid hospital care risks

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by BrianK, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    My good friend Nurse Claire is the guest on this Podcast regarding the serious risk to life now inherent in allowing oneself to be hospitalized with or for Covid.

    What she describes here is absolutely horrifying, including the complete loss of one’s patient and civil rights once admitted for Covid.


    Barnhardt Podcast #161: Nurse Claire, Behind Enemy Lines
    SupernerdDecember 8, ARSH 2021
    [Direct link to the MP3 file]

    In this episode Nurse Claire joins us to discuss the state of care in hospitals in the US right now, including the denial of food, water, medicine, and vitamins to patients. With hospital staff now searching bags for the above items it’s more crucial to avoid going to the hospital if you can and stocking up on supplies while it’s possible (if supplies are in stock). While things are getting more desperate, don’t lose sight of the eternal: the hospital staff might take the life of your body so always be prepared to for your particular judgement!

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    Sam, Andy3, FatimaPilgrim and 4 others like this.
  2. andree

    andree Powers

    Jan 31, 2014
    I have been telling my family from the very beginning to think! Think of what you are allowing to happen - some day you will get sick and have to face going into this cold-hearted system that you are allowing to be created by your acceptance. Is this how you want to be in hospital some day or worse, be separated from your children when they are taken from you "for their health"? Alone, sick with no loved ones around, surrounded by cold-hearted people who all look the same behind their surgical masks, visors and full protective gear? Being sick is not the worse thing that can happen, it is being sick alone, separated from loved ones. You don't want someone to hold your hand, kiss your face? You want to say goodbye to your spouse from a distance via iphone? Is this what your love and vows mean to you? This virus is not the most deadly, if you allow this now, what will be imposed next? Think and say no to these measures, they will destroy our society and they are inhumane and against the principles of love and charity.

    It is the basics of the Golden Rule after all: don't do unto others as you would not have them do unto you. I guess people have forgotten this. Living by the Golden Rule was, according to the Great Rabbi Hillel enough to obtain salvation.

    I guess this is why we need the Warning.
    Mary's child, Joan J, Sam and 10 others like this.
  3. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    Jan 4, 2015
    South-Western Ontario, Canada
    I've seen and heard so many horrendous stories.. now they're coming for the young children! Yes, praying for the warning... :notworthy:
  4. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    I’ve not read this article as yet…short on time. I will say that my family’s personally experience with having a Covid patient currently in the hospital has been ….and continues to be a horrible experience. The doctor refused to offer any effective therapies that might have keep this patient off a ventilator. He actually ridiculed the wife for suggesting that her husband been allowed to try ivermectin while he was still only on oxygen. He literally laughed and said no, I don’t prescribe horse medicine. He even refused to order a vitamin C IV drip that has clinical efficacy…but he did put him on Remdesivir that is actually harmful to patients. When the prescribed dosage of Remdesivir was completed, his condition had advanced to a degree that he then needed a ventilator. According to the hospital, he has been on this ventilator longer than any patient in their facility to date. It’s been a nightmare. Absolutely no ability for the family members who are in the medical field, three nurses and one nurse practitioner, have any say in his treatment course. They are all skilled and knowledgeable, but are being ignored by the medical system. If their family member survives, it will be a miracle. We firmly believe that had he been offered any of the known effective therapies early on, he would never had advanced to a ventilator. These therapies would do no harm, yet they were refused by the doctor. They have been immensely effective in other patients, yet our government refuses to allow hospitals to prescribe them….even to dying patients. They will allow these patients to suffer and die on a ventilator, but refuse to even try effective, harmless, CHEAP drugs or vitamins. If anyone can justify this, I’d love to hear it because as far as I’m concerned, there is absolutely no justification.

    The government that is mandating these restrictive medical protocols is the same one pushing for everyone to get a experimental drug injected into them, now probably three or four times a year and are pushing it for our children who statistically are not at risk. The risk of the long term side effects of this experimental drug is far greater than any child dying from Covid.
    There is enough evidence to date that those who refuse to get the “ vaccination “ are more than justified. There is also enough evidence to warrant the option to allow patients to receive off label therapies not currently being permitted by the government.There is enough evidence now to rationally question what the heck is going on with the government and hospitals cooperating in not acting in the patients best interest.
    In my personal opinion, this is absolute outrage and people have died needlessly because of these unwarranted government sanctioned medical protocols. I’m seeing it first hand. I have a sister who was injured because of the vaccine…likely permanently.
    So yes, get the therapies if you can, take them and try your best to stay out of the killing fields of the hospitals….I know what’s going on and you’d never wish it on your worst enemy. If I sound like a beating drum, so be it. This is not just our personal freedoms being stripped from us, it’s a matter of life and death.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
    Suzanne, Whatever, sparrow and 10 others like this.
  5. Malachi

    Malachi Archangels

    Oct 22, 2014
    By the grace of God my Father is now declared medically fitto be discharged from hospital in Craigavon and sent to Belfast for rehabilitation which will be a bit of a slog.
    Over 70 days ICU on ventilation and 50 days or so in a ward and counting. We were formally told on 3 occasions that he was never getting out of ICU and that they considered his continued care a form of cruelty. We pressed for other treatments early on like ivermectin etc all of which were firmly denied. With our pressure they sustained their treatment protocols but like I said they had him buried. Moreover, we were told that if he made it off ventilation he would be dead through infections etc in matter of time due to the immunosuppressive nature of the drugs. All 6 consultants in firm agreement that his treatment stop and palliative measures began. Well I hope his recovery gives them some humility and pause for reflection. Deo gratias.
    Suzanne, Whatever, miker and 13 others like this.
  6. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    Dec 21, 2020
    I'm so sorry to hear y'all's terrible stories... One of my dad's friends was treated this way in the hospital too, and he was even vaccinated! He died, and it feels to the family like murder, because the hospital forbade him from taking Ivermectin that could have saved him.

    How anyone could trust this system and these authorities that coldly wield the power of life or death while laughing at suffering people is beyond me.
  7. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    This is why we each need to have a network of like minded people around us, including doctors and nurses. There are many of them who are rejecting the mandates and leaving the system. They can still provide care, there's always a way.

    But don't stand still and let them dictate to you and control you. Yes we're all used to going to the doctors office or the emergency room, but there's other ways, pray about this and let the Spirit lead you! Care can still be given by trained doctors and nurses outside of "the system", homeopathic medicine has been used for centuries, we don't have to be addicted to the system they have imposed on us and the constant push of pills poisoning our bodies when natural remedies and positive steps like a good diet, exercise, stay away from smoking, too much drinking etc.
    sparrow, Beth B, AED and 6 others like this.
  8. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    People need to sue them all. It is the only way to win other than choose to not go to the hospital and administer that proper care themselves.

    EVERYONE.....vaxed or unvaxed, you need to be doing preventative stuff every day for your health. Most importantly vitamin C and D among many other things where you can. I have said this before on here but will state it again. I have never felt better in my life since starting this daily routine. This time of year, I am always dealing with sinus infections and colds, but not anymore. If we have learned anything since covid, we have learned that the most severe impacts were either because people have a huge deficiency in Vitamin D or too high of bmi. Eat better and get exercise:

    1. 2000 mg Vitamin C daily
    2. 4000 ius Vitamin D3 daily (unless a really sunny day where I spend 2 hours outside, then I cut it in half)
    3. 10 drops of chlorine dioxide in my morning coffee
    4. 2 brazil nuts for breakfast (get your selenium!!)
    5. 1 apple a day (about to be added because I am tired of taking too many supplements in the morning to get the pectin and quercetin needed)

    When I am around sick people, then I add a teaspoon of colloidal silver to my morning routine as well.

    There is more you can do especially if you have received the vax to help get some of the toxicity out of your body. Even if you have been vaxed, I honestly don't see why people would be stubborn to not try to add some healthy vitamins to their daily routines. It will not harm you at all for a period of a few weeks to add some other things to help you detox like NAC and glutathione. What do you have to lose by doing this other than a potential trip to the hospital?
  9. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    100% agree (except the Apple, apples are actually bad for you, way too high in sugar, stick with berries, blue, black, straw, any of those berrys are healthy fruit).

    3 years ago my doctor diagnosed me with low vitamin D during the annual physical and put me on supplements. I, like you, always got my "annual cold" at this time of year, in fact starting 7 or 8 years ago it seemed like I'd be getting 3 or 4 colds every season. As soon as he put me on the D, I never had as much as a sniffle, nothing. I think I had Covid a year ago, but because of my elevated immune system I felt like heck for a couple days but went on the Quercetin, Zinc, D, C protocol and beat it quickly (he had also diagnosed me as overweight and put me on the Atkins diet, I lost 60lbs in 6 months and was back at my high school weight--pretty "lucky" headed into this "virus", eh?).

    Our own God given immune system is our best defense, and these shots (they're not vaccines, we need to stop calling these diabolical shots something they are not, they're experimental gene therapies resulting in increasing mortality, clotting problems for healthy young men leading to heart issues, strokes, thrombosis, fertility problems for women, etc.). Exercise, eat right, lose weight (fasting is good not only for the soul but very healthy for you) and voila...Trust God, He gave us all the tools we need, the evil one gives us the "tools" we don't (Fauci, Gates, Freemasons, pill pushers, et al)
  10. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    I am so grateful to God. :):notworthy:
  11. MMM

    MMM Archangels

    Sep 1, 2016
    This is not medical advise just a story.

    I started getting ocular migraines about 10 years ago. I also started getting periodic dizzy spells about the same time occasionally (both concerning when driving) The migraines grew in frequency to sometimes 3 or more a week. Although I ate ok, exercised and was a normal weight I knew that both may be caused by plaque build up and/or inflammation. I have never seen a doctor about either since I felt I should be able to improve through diet.

    I reduced my meat intake by about 95%, adding more legumes, lots of veggies and avoiding dairy since I am slightly intolerant(added calcium/magnesium supplement). I eat a load of blueberries daily now. I ramped up my Vit D3 to 4000ui, C to 2000ui, added a B complex and zinc 40 mg. The supplements I added that I believe through research really reduce inflammation and calcification was curcumin 1300MG morning and night and k2 120mcg once or twice daily. The K2 is easily found as part of a D3 supplement. K2 and curcumin are worthy of research.
    I added NAC recently to try it and feel great on it but won't likely make it a forever addition.

    Yes it's a lot of pills and a fair amount of $$. The good news is at 54 I feel as healthy as I ever have and I never get dizzy spells or migraines anymore. I also would get joint pain from working out and now I never do.

    Something worked and really helped, I just can't be certain if part or all of what I changed/added did it.

    Sorry, don't mean to steer this thread off course.
  12. any name you wish

    any name you wish Archangels

    Apr 15, 2016
    Around puberty I started getting debilitating migraines on a daily basis along with nausea and vomiting, my mom eventually guessed that it was from dairy and stopped me from getting milk at the school cafeteria...problem solved.

    As far as I'm aware I'm the only person in my family with this problem; the cheap chip based dna sequencing things I've done have said that my lactase enzyme is normal so I guess it's either a gut microbiome thing or I have a de novo mutation in the enzyme that they didn't check for. Anyway, I've forgotten to take lactase pills a couple times with dairy and I can verify, even as an adult, that the migraines from that are by far the most pain I've ever been in (maybe from low blood pressure from a secondary metabolite excreted by gut bacteria?).

    Also, and more on topic, if either of my parents get covid I'm going to do everything in my power to keep them from going to a hospital.
  13. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Praying for the full recovery of your Dad!:notworthy:
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
    Suzanne, Whatever, miker and 7 others like this.
  14. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    I thank God, MMM, for the practical wisdom that has enabled you to live more healthy!:D
  15. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    I never stopped praying for him. This is wonderful miraculous news.
  16. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    A daily routine I follow. Let those of us who have refused the vaccine make sure we are on a healthy protocol to inform those who ask. We are pro-health and do not want to be a health risk to anyone!

    the Quercetin, Zinc, D, C protocol
    Katfalls, Sam, miker and 5 others like this.
  17. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    I think staying out of the hospital is a wise choice. What a sad sad thing to have to say. Two weeks ago I was cutting into an avocado with my new knife and it went right through the avocado and sliced open my hand between 2 of my fingers.:eek: in the past I would have gone to the ER for stitches but instead I applied pressure and used antiseptics and bound it with sterile pads and tape and judiciously took care of it. It will be an ugly scar but is healing. I did NOT want to go to the ER. These days thats a nightmare scenario. Prayer and rough and ready first aid worked. (And special prayers to St Philomena)
    Katfalls, Sam, Joan J and 4 others like this.
  18. Padrepiofan

    Padrepiofan Angels

    Sep 1, 2021
    Chlorella, shiljat, turmeric and kirfir are amazing
    miker, Mario, Jason Fernando and 2 others like this.
  19. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Only turmeric is known to me. What are these other names ?
    Sam and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  20. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Great hints from members here on this page.
    Mario, Beth B and AED like this.

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