I would be surprised if someone hasn't already posted about this very significant news. Which, according to Conchita is the precursor to the warning. The visit is not yet arranged but negotiations are about to begin as far as I understand it. Garabandal: "THE WARNING IS COMING VERY SOON" Russia PROPHECY set to unfold. Pope to go to Moscow - YouTube
Please God its soon. My government want to inject my healthy little kids, destroy my wife's health and section me so they can force jab me. They are preventing me from participating in life to supposedly save my life. The list goes on. Please God let the warning be soon, if this isn't communism I don't know what is.
She is in denial. Does not want the evil side of this whole thing to be true. Prayers are appreciated.
The Pope goes to Moscow When he returns hostilities break out. THEN Russia leads a Communist persecution that is so horrible that the girls when seeing it... led to the night of the screams. We have seen nothing yet. Other approved Church saints have described the bloodbath led by Russia. The Warning ends the persecution. It will get much worse before the Warning comes. But remember God provides the grace to endure for those who will follow Him Pray, pray, pray.
Are we 100% sure that the persecution comes from Russia itself? More than 70% of the people in Russia are Christians (mainly Orthodox) so even if they invade the West, why would they feel the need to persecute Christians? Today it is the West that seems to embrace communist ideas...could the persecution come from there instead, as a retaliation for the invasion?
What’s happening in Mexico today has nothing to do with Russia. Is it possible that communist persecution against the Church will come from Europe’s own socialist governments? I’m just confused. Maybe Russia invades Ukraine, and not all of Europe.
You say that 70% of Russians are Christians. I know that, when surveyed, the majority claim to be Orthodox Christians but only about 7% go to Church each week. The claim to be orthodox is mixed up with nationalism - 'I am Russian so I belong to the Russian Church' - and not much really to do with belief. Many/most also regard Catholics as wilful heretics. Their attitude to us is a lot less kindly than our is to them, I can assure you. The Orthodox happily took over Catholic churches and other properties in the Ukraine when Stalin invited them to do so and were very resistant to the idea of handing them back once the Communist period appeared to be at an end. Putin is a murderous thug who loves power, if he thinks that those nostalgic for the USSR will help him to widen his power, he will take it. Numerous Catholic mystics have said that Russia will invade western Europe and I believe it.
The persecution is already unfolding, it's not at Rwanda levels yet, but it has begun. Russia has already spread her errors
Geralyn and I are going to Holy Mass this evening- will hold you up in prayer before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!
Thank you so much. I think I was a little worked up when I originally posted, it has not been confirmed that unjabbed will sectioned, I think its just a theory, either way, either was things are really bad. Thanks.
We are at risk of segregation here in Canada too. One of our provinces (NB) has allowed grocery stores to ask for vax passes and a different one (N&L) has a Bishop that won't allow the unvaxed in his diocese go to Mass...
Be not afraid! Whatever happens, I will be relying on God to give us the grace to get us through this!
start contacting like minded neighbors. There’s many around you who are cowed in fear. But. Fear not, God is with you! Stand up and be a sign of hope to your neighbors. Together with them you’ll be the answer to this trouble