Hi all. I wanted to share this article on blesssing and use of epiphany chalk. In addition, if you can find a parish or I think even on line you can also get Epiphany water. My wife is at a nearby parish today where the priest will be invoking the beautiful blessing including exorcisms prayers, holy Chrism and salts. We have been quite blessed to have only last year learned of these sacramentals from our niece in a traditional parish. Like I said take a look at nearby parishes or even ask your priest to do this blessing. It appears based upon this article anyone can bless the chalk to then mark your doors. More than ever I think thus is needed. Peace https://www.catholicicing.com/epiphany-house-blessing-with-chalk/
Thanks! My husband will be headed to our FSSP parish tonight with a couple jugs of water for the Epiphany water blessing. I'm so excited to have a good amount that I can share with my family!
My husband said our church was completely full...so many people there to get the Epiphany water. I'm so glad!
Thank you for sharing this Miker, how wonderful! Nothing special was done in our parish for Epiphany unfortunately, but the article shared above says the blessing can be done by the father of the household. Perhaps that is valid then for those who didn't have anything through their parish?
I believe the blessing would be valid! Remember by our baptism we are made priest, prophet , and kings! (Not saying ordained priest…. But we can as heads of our homes intercede and ask God to bless). Peace.
Yes. Very blessed that the Church that did the blessing and prayers let people bring in water….but they asked it to be gallon jugs opened to make the process of adding the salt and oil easier to do.