Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Waiting by the window, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. Waiting by the window

    Waiting by the window Powers

    Jan 11, 2018
    Happy patron day to you dear Irish brothers and sisters. Happy name day, Padraig. Well it's been two years since covid became a thing. May God give us happier days ahead.
  2. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    God bless Ireland.

    May He shower our land with huge graces once more.

    St Patrick pray for us.

    Happy St Patrick's Day to all on the forum.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Saint Patrick's Breastplate

    I arise today
    Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
    Through belief in the Threeness,
    Through confession of the Oneness
    of the Creator of creation.

    I arise today
    Through the strength of Christ's birth with His baptism,
    Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
    Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
    Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.

    I arise today
    Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
    In the obedience of angels,
    In the service of archangels,
    In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
    In the prayers of patriarchs,
    In the predictions of prophets,
    In the preaching of apostles,
    In the faith of confessors,
    In the innocence of holy virgins,
    In the deeds of righteous men.

    I arise today, through
    The strength of heaven,
    The light of the sun,
    The radiance of the moon,
    The splendor of fire,
    The speed of lightning,
    The swiftness of wind,
    The depth of the sea,
    The stability of the earth,
    The firmness of rock.

    I arise today, through
    God's strength to pilot me,
    God's might to uphold me,
    God's wisdom to guide me,
    God's eye to look before me,
    God's ear to hear me,
    God's word to speak for me,
    God's hand to guard me,
    God's shield to protect me,
    God's host to save me
    From snares of devils,
    From temptation of vices,
    From everyone who shall wish me ill,
    afar and near.

    I summon today
    All these powers between me and those evils,
    Against every cruel and merciless power
    that may oppose my body and soul,
    Against incantations of false prophets,
    Against black laws of pagandom,
    Against false laws of heretics,
    Against craft of idolatry,
    Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
    Against every knowledge that corrupts man's body and soul;
    Christ to shield me today
    Against poison, against burning,
    Against drowning, against wounding,
    So that there may come to me an abundance of reward.

    Christ with me,
    Christ before me,
    Christ behind me,
    Christ in me,
    Christ beneath me,
    Christ above me,
    Christ on my right,
    Christ on my left,
    Christ when I lie down,
    Christ when I sit down,
    Christ when I arise,
    Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
    Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
    Christ in every eye that sees me,
    Christ in every ear that hears me.

    I arise today
    Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
    Through belief in the Threeness,
    Through confession of the Oneness
    of the Creator of creation.

    maryrose, miker, Carol55 and 5 others like this.
  4. Booklady

    Booklady La Dolorosa

    Sep 13, 2011
    Happy St. Patrick's Day, many blessings to all.
    miker, Carol55, Beth B and 3 others like this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I got up early to go to Mass this morning for St Padraig's Day and got three really beautiful Signs.:):)

    The first was on going to Church it was drizzling steadily and there was the most beautiful full rainbow right over the whole city. Gorgeous.:)

    The second was that I went into the Church I sat right at the back as I usually do, because I do not wear a mask and did not want to draw unwelcome attention to myself (dirty looks and nudges). However one of the women came all the way down from the Sacristy and asked me to do Eucharistic Minister. I told her I had done this for years but she insisted. Second Sign..and on St Padraig's Day too. Big Happy Sign.:) Like being tapped on the shoulder.

    The Third Sign came during Mass. I had moved forward with her beside a side door towards the front of the Church when all of a sudden the Security Lights at the door came on and bathed me in floodlight. Hollywood at last.:):)

    Many dirty looks as I gave out communion with no mask, especially from the priest, but I didn't mind. I didn't ask to be there. ;)

    Anyway I pray you become ten times holier today, with loads of graces.:)
    maryrose, miker, Carol55 and 7 others like this.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    There is a most interesting Special Report today on , 'Spirit Daily' on a German mystic called Manuela Strack. Apparently she was highly regarded by both Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul 2. It seems she has a lot to say about what is going on in the world at the moment.




    Empfängerin dieser Texte ist eine einfache junge Familienmutter, Manuela Strack aus Düren, auch als Seherin von Sievernich bekannt. Ihr erscheint seit einigen Jahren, wie sie sagt, die Muttergottes. Gerade in letzter Zeit spricht immer wieder auch die hl. Teresa von Avila zu ihr, belehrt sie und schenkt ihr Gebete von einer erstaunlichen Tiefe. Es ist undenkbar, dass eine einfache Frau wie Manuela Strack sich diese Texte ausdenken kann.

    Der Bischof von Aachen hat noch vor dem tragischen Unfalltod von Pfarrer Kleemann, dem Ortspfarrer von Sievernich, Pfarrer Dr. Johannes Bündgens von Heimbach beauftragt, Manuela Strack als Seelenführer zu begleiten.

    Am 8. November 2004 wurde die Glaubwürdigkeit von Frau Strack durch ein eucharistisches Zeichen während der Anbetung des ausgesetzten Allerheiligsten in der Sievernicher Kirche eindrucksvoll bestätigt. Ca. 50 Gläubige bestätigten, dass sie während der Anbetung das Jesuskind in der Monstranz wirklich gesehen haben.

    Von Juni 2000 bis Okt. 2005 erschienen in Sievernich die Gottesmutter, verschiedene Heilige, Papst Pius XII. und der hl. Erzengel Gabriel einer jungen, einfachen Familienmutter mit dem Namen Manuela. Die Gottesmutter ist am 3. Oktober 2005 zum letzten Mal erschienen. Sie versprach aber, immer in Sievernich anwesend zu sein. Sievernich liegt ca. 30 km süd-westlich von Köln nahe Zülpich und gehört zum Bistum Aachen. en.

    Die Botschaften: Manuela erhält Botschaften von der Gottesmutter, von Heiligen, hin und wieder auch von Jesus selber. Diese Botschaften sind sehr unterschiedlich, gehen aber nicht über die von der katholischen Kirche schon immer gelehrten Wahrheiten hinaus. Es können hier nur einige Schwerpunkte genannt werden: Die Gottesmutter ruft uns auf, uns zu bekehren, zu opfern und Buße zu tun. Wir sollen häufig vom Bußsakrament Gebrauch machen und den Heiland in der Eucharistie würdig, das heißt ohne schwere Sünde empfangen. Wir sollen vor Liebe zu Gott brennen und auch unseren Nächsten nicht vergessen. Ein besonderes Anliegen ist ihr, dass ihrem göttlichen Sohn die Ihm gebührende Ehrfurcht entgegengebracht wird. So will Sie, dass Er von uns oft und innig angebetet wird. Ja, wir sollen ohne Unterlass beten. Sie wünscht, dass wir in allem unserem Tun klein und demütig bleiben. Ihre Priestersöhne ruft sie auf, umzukehren und ihrem göttlichen Sohne zu folgen. Auch Prophezeiungen gehören zu den Botschaften.

    Kirchliche Leitung: Der zuständige Bischof hat Manuela einen Priester als Seelenführer zur Seite gegeben.

    Die heilige Teresa von Avila, die große spanische Mystikerin und Kirchenlehrerin, gibt Manuela Ratschläge und schenkt ihr Gebete von ungewöhnlicher Tiefe. Wer die Schriften der hl. Teresa gelesen hat, erkennt deutlich ihre Ausdrucksweise und ihr Temperament in den offenbarten Texten wieder.

    Das Eucharistische Zeichen: Während der Anbetung des ausgesetzten Allerheiligsten Altarssakramentes beim Gebetstreffen am 8. November 2004 in Sievernich sahen viele Leute 15 Minuten lang vor der heiligen Hostie das kleine Jesuskind. Mit der Wegnahme der Hostie aus der Monstranz durch den Priester verschwand auch das Jesuskind.

    Die drei „Schlüssel“: Am 7. Oktober 2002 sagte die Gottesmutter zu Manuela: „...Meine kleine Gebetsperle, hier überreiche ich dir die Schlüssel meines geliebten göttlichen Sohnes Jesus Christus. Schweige darüber, schweige! Die Schlüssel dienen dir als Waffe gegen alle Finsternis. Du weißt nun, was geschieht. ... Nur deinem Heiligen Vater in Rom, meinem geliebten Hirten, gebe die Schlüssel. Bitte schweige, man wird dir keinen Glauben schenken. Doch so wird sich alles erfüllen.“ Diese Geheimnisse wurden dem Heiligen Vater am 11. Februar 2004 übergeben.

    Die Forderungen des Himmels für Sievernich: Die Gottesmutter wünscht in Sievernich einen Immaculata-Brunnen zur Linderung der Leiden. Dringendster Wunsch des Himmels ist aber, dass in Sievernich ein Geistliches Zentrum entsteht. Jesus selbst sagt am 19.05.2003: „Dieser Ort ist Mir und Meiner Mutter vorbehalten. Ich will, dass Menschen an diesem Ort ein Zentrum errichten, welches der Kirche, Meinem Leib, und somit Mir dient. Dient dem Vater im Himmel, Mir, dem Sohn, und Seiner Mutter treu und redlich. Dort soll geschehen, was Ich euch lehrte, was euch die Kirche sagt. ... Was Ich will, geschieht, Ich siege!“ Die Gottesmutter sagt am 02.06.2003: „Ich wünsche es so, mein Sohn Jesus wünscht es. Ich wünsche ein Zentrum des Glaubens an diesem Ort. Satan wird seine Wut zum Ausdruck bringen. Ich bin bei euch.“
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    The recipient of these texts is a simple young family mother, Manuela Strack from Düren, also known as the Seer of Sievernich. As she says, the Mother of God has been appearing to her for a number of years. Especially lately, St. Teresa of Avila comes to her, teaches her and offers her prayers of amazing depth. It is unthinkable that a simple woman like Manuela Strack could think up these texts. Even before the tragic accidental death of Pastor Kleemann, the local pastor of Sievernich, the Bishop of Aachen, Pastor Dr. Johannes Bündgens von Heimbach commissioned to accompany Manuela Strack as spiritual guide. On November 8, 2004, Ms. Strack's credibility was impressively confirmed by a Eucharistic sign during the adoration of the exposed Holy of Holies in the Sievernich church. About 50 believers confirmed that they actually saw the baby Jesus in the monstrance during the adoration.

    From June 2000 to October 2005 the Blessed Mother appeared in Sievernich, various saints, Pope Pius XII. and St. Archangel Gabriel to a young, humble family mother named Manuela. The Blessed Mother appeared for the last time on October 3, 2005. But she promised to always be present in Sievernich. Sievernich is about 30 km south-west of Cologne near Zülpich and belongs to the diocese of Aachen. in. The messages: Manuela receives messages from the Blessed Mother, from saints, and now and again from Jesus himself. These messages are very different, but do not go beyond the truths that the Catholic Church has always taught. Only a few key points can be mentioned here: The Blessed Mother calls us to convert, to sacrifice and to do penance. We are to make frequent use of the sacrament of penance and worthily receive the Savior in the Eucharist, that is, without serious sin. We should burn with love for God and not forget our neighbor. It is of particular concern to her that her divine Son be shown the reverence that is due to him. So She wants Him to be worshiped often and fervently by us. Yes, we are to pray without ceasing. She wants us to remain small and humble in everything we do. She calls her sons of priests to repent and follow her divine Son. The messages also include prophecies. Church leadership: The responsible bishop gave Manuela a priest as her spiritual guide. Saint Teresa of Avila, the great Spanish mystic and Doctor of the Church, gives Manuela advice and prayers of unusual depth. Who reads the writings of St. Teresa clearly recognizes her diction and temperament in the revealed texts. The Eucharistic Sign: During the adoration of the exposed Blessed Sacrament at the prayer meeting on November 8, 2004 in Sievernich, many people saw the baby Jesus for 15 minutes in front of the Holy Host. When the priest removed the host from the monstrance, the infant Jesus also disappeared. The three "keys": On October 7, 2002, Our Lady said to Manuela: "...My little prayer bead, here I present you with the keys of my beloved divine Son Jesus Christ. Shut up about it, shut up! The keys serve you as a weapon against all darkness. You now know what is happening. ... Give the keys only to your Holy Father in Rome, my beloved Shepherd. Please keep quiet, no one will believe you. But this is how everything will be fulfilled.” These mysteries were given to the Holy Father on February 11, 2004. Heaven's demands for Sievernich: Our Lady wishes in Sievernich an Immaculata fountain to alleviate suffering. Heaven's most urgent wish, however, is for a spiritual center to be established in Sievernich. Jesus himself said on May 19, 2003: “This place is reserved for me and my mother. I want people to set up a center in this place, which serves the church, my body, and therefore me. Serve Heavenly Father, Me the Son, and His Mother faithfully and honestly. There is to happen what I taught you, what the church tells you. ... What I want happens, I win!” Our Lady says on June 2nd, 2003: “I want it that way, my son Jesus wants it. I wish a center of faith in this place. Satan will express his anger. I am with you."

  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    I am Mary Immaculate

    Our Lady appears in Sievernich


    What's new


    German page [​IMG]

    The apparition site of Sievernich

    The Mother of God, various saints, Pope Pius XII and the archangel Gabriel appeared in Sievernich between June 2000 and October 2005 to an ordinary mother called Manuela. On 3 October 2005 Our Lady appeared for the last time. However, she promised always to be present in Sievernich.

    The messages: Manuela received messages from the Blessed Mother, from saints and now and then from Jesus himself. These messages, though varied, never transcend the truths that have always constituted the teachings of the Roman Catholic church. Here are a few of the main points which they contain: Our Lady calls us to repent, to make sacrifices and to do penance. We are reminded to have frequent recourse to the sacrament of penance and to receive Our Lord worthily in the Eucharist, ie not in a state of grave sin. We should have a burning love for God and not forget our neighbour. It is of particular concern to the Blessed Mother that the respect and honour due to her divine Son should be given to Him. She thus wants us frequently to adore Him in fervent prayer. Indeed, we are to pray unceasingly. She further wishes us to remain small and humble in all that we do. Her sons, the priests, are called to turn back to Her divine Son and to follow Him. Prophecies also feature in these messages.

    Direction from the Church: The local bishop has provided Manuela with a spiritual director.

    Saint Teresa of Avila, the great Spanish mystic and doctor of the Church, gives advice to Manuela as well as prayers of unusually profound content. Those who are well acquainted with the saint’s writings will clearly recognise her style and temperament in these texts of revelation.

    Eucharistic signs: During exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the prayer meetings on 8 November 2004, 5 December 2005, 2 January 2006 and 6 February 2006 – the last being the month of this booklet going to print – many of those present at the adoration in Sievernich perceived in the Sacred Host a shadowy image of the Christchild.

    On removal of the Host from the Monstrance by the priest, the Christchild also disappeared.

    The three keys: On 7 October 2002 Our Lady said to Manuela: “…My little prayer bead, I herewith hand over to you the keys of my beloved divine Son Jesus Christ.

    Remain silent about this, remain silent! The keys will serve you as a weapon against all darkness. You now know what will happen… Only your Holy Father in Rome, my beloved Shepherd, will receive these keys from me. Please remain silent, you will not be believed, yet everything will come to pass in this way.” These secrets were handed over to the Holy Father on 11 February 2004.

    The demands of heaven for Sievernich

    The Blessed Mother desires the construction of an Immaculata well in Sievernich to allay sufferings. The most urgent desire of heaven, however, is the establishment in Sievernich of a spiritual centre. Jesus Himself declared on 19 May 2003: “This place is set aside for Me and My mother. I want people to construct a centre here, which will serve the Church, My Body, and thus Me. Serve the Father in heaven, Me, the Son and His mother faithfully and honestly. There, all I have taught you and everything the Church says shall be adhered to. ….that which is willed by Me, comes to pass; I triumph!” On 2 June 2003 the Blessed Mother said: “I desire the construction of a faith centre in this place. This is my wish and the wish of my Son Jesus. Satan will make his anger known. I am with you all.”

    HeavenlyHosts and sparrow like this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Sievernich, March 5th 2001
    On Monday, March 5th 2001, the eights meeting of the Blue Oasis took place in the church of Sievernich. I felt a great warmth. Then I saw the Mother of God descending down from Heaven on a golden ray of light. She stood still on the left of the altar. The Holy virgin was wearing a skyblue coat and a white gown. The coat was decorated with a golden ornament at the seam. She held a golden rosary in Her hands. Her hands were folded in prayer. Then She looked at us. She stood on a cloud, Her left foot standing on a golden rose. She said:

    „I greet you, and I bless you, My children. I am Mary, the Immaculate, Mary, the Mother of God. My Divine Son Jesus Christ sends Me to you, dear children. He loves you very much. I am entirely devoted to His Will. He is your salvation. Confide yourself to Him. I would love so much to be your Mother. Come to Me, My children, I will dry your tears, and I will take you to my Beloved Son Jesus.”

    She approached every one of us and blessed us with a cross on the front. Two angels, dressed in white, were walking behind her. They had golden bowls in their hands. They returned to the altar and stood on the left of the altar. She said:

    „Dear children, a time of penance and fasting has been given to you on earth. Make good use of this time, find the way to My Son. I like to help you. I want to be your door, the door you will pass to meet My Divine Son. I am the door, My Divine Son is the way!

    Look, I gave you a hint. It is the Will of My Divine Son that you accept the work the Holy Ghost does on you, that you accept His healing power, his salvation. Say the prayers, that are within My Son, and that My Son has given to you.”

    (A very personal message)

    „It is time for you to unite in prayer for salvation. I will support you in your prayers, I will pray with you.

    The Church is in trouble. This is why I am at work, and this is why I am with you. The earth, the world has turned into a desert without faith. I want to (re-)fertilize this world for My Son. I plant seeds everywhere I go. This is how oases of prayer come into being all over the world. Children, do not lose your heart! Look carefully at the time My Divine Son was on earth. You are not alone. The adversary fills your hearts with doubts and wants to get you away from right way, Jesus. Do not let him mislead and deceive you. The adversary wants to discourage you. It is him who wants to open your hearts for lethargy, tepidity, and indifference. But I won’t let him do so in the Name of My Divine Son Jesus Christ. I am with you. I guide you and I guide the Church, the Church of My Son Jesus Christ, who loves you very much. He cares for you like a Father, if you let Him do so. If you let Me and Him guide you, you will be healed. I will not let darkness take control of the Church completely. Everything, that is sick, will be destroyed. But look, dear children, how much My son cares for you. He gives you His Mother to prepare you for His arrival. I plant seeds, I build oases of Heaven and of Love. They are supposed to strengthen those that are loyal. They are to strengthen the Church. I will make you strong, spiritually strong. Trust Me and trust My Divine Son. I can only repeat: be like children and let Us, Me and My Son, guide you. The world does not give to you what the Father gives to you. My Son’s Way is uncomfortable, the ways of the world are comfortable. But if you choose to come to My Son, I will go with you. I will help you. With My help you will be able to walk this uncomfortable way without worrying. I am your Mother, I love you, My children! Dear children, if you are exposed to temptation, especially while you are still on earth, do not stop to pray. I am with you. I cannot tell you so often enough. Call Me, children, if you need help! I’ll be there for you, children!”

    The cloud, the Mother of God has been standing on, has now become a globe. Italy started to get bigger. I saw Rome and the Vatican. Then I saw an assembly room. A number of cardinals were involved in a discussion. They were discussing the unification of the Holy Mass, the liturgy of the Holy Mass not including the Holy Eucharist. They only wanted to share some bread, because many people did not believe in the Eucharist any more. The Mother of God said:

    „We are approaching the end of the Church, at least this is what those that have remained loyal believe. Those who do not believe in God consider this to be a chance to open the Church for the laymen. But I shall oppose this development. It will not succeed in destroying the Church, the Body of Christ.”

    The globe started to turn and became a huge sun. It was floating in the air, right above the middle of the altar. In the sun you could see the letters: „J H S”.

    The Mother of God blessed us. She became very bright and vanished.

    Then I saw Sister Faustine sitting in the first row of benches, praying the rosary. Mirjam of Abellin was sitting next to her. Robert Bellarmin was kneeling in front of the altar. He too was praying the rosary. Suddenly I perceived a smell of flowers.
    HeavenlyHosts, sparrow and Dusica like this.
  10. Ananchal

    Ananchal Vigilans

    Jan 9, 2020
    Well I don’t subscribe to spirit daily and I don’t read German. :(
    HeavenlyHosts, padraig and AED like this.
  11. Ananchal

    Ananchal Vigilans

    Jan 9, 2020
    Well I spoke too soon! Padraig just posted English version!!

    Thanks! Good Morning Padraig and Happy St Patrick’s Day!!
  12. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Happy St Patrick's Day to you Padraig and to all on the forum. May the great Saint of Ireland intercede for all his flock and especially those who have left the faith or deny it. May he bring them back out of darkness by God's gracious kindness in the Name of Christ through Mary Immaculate. And may Saint Patrick intercede for us all!.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Michael Brown describes them as, 'very sobering messages, ones with direct bearing on what we see occurring in the world around us.'

    I must have a look some more at them, I think they stopped in 2005.

    A very joyful Feast Day to yourself. I am suffering from a hang over as I broke my Lent and drunk my home made wine last night.

    Serves me right!:)
  14. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Feb 24, 2019
    St. Patrick was smiling down upon you today. A blessed day to you Padraig, and to all our wonderful forum members. I hope I do become ten times holier. :)
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I wonder what the saint makes of things in the World and the Church today? This may well be the last St Patrick's Day of its kind so we might as well enjoy it.:)

    We are like Alice and about to fall down the hole into Wonder Land.

    Soon we will be saying, 'We ain't in Kansas anymore.':)

    But at the end of the Day the Immaculate Heart of Mary will Triumph, we have her promise.

    So it isn't all bad, we can still dream.

  16. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and all my dear Irish…and not so Irish friends.
    I’ll remember all of you and your intentions today at mass. Yes, Padraig the worlds about to change and makes mass so much more important. I can’t even envision the new world, but no one will ever take our faith from our hearts.
    Praying for those we love who still don’t get it….but hopefully they will yet.

    On a different note, and friend asked me to attend a local church diocesan synod meeting. We were all surprised that there were a lot of folks there asking for and suggesting the church come back to their traditional roots…in every way. Adoration, Latin mass, processions, etc. what a lift. We did not expect that. So, you never know.
    I think people may be waking up to reality. We can only pray.
  17. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    I hope you recover soon Padraig!
    HeavenlyHosts, Jo M and miker like this.
  18. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    It's our 29th wedding anniversary. :) I chose St. Patrick's Day, as a Protestant then, not for religious reasons ... but because it's a "fun little holiday" here in the States.

    But of course that has changed. ;)
    maryrose, HeavenlyHosts, Jo M and 4 others like this.
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I have heard stories like this the last couple of years. Of people fallen away from the Faith for many, many years coming back home again. I must ask my local priest about this, I am curious.

    Although it has to be said if the times we are living through did not cause people to pause and think I do not know what would...and of course we are at the very,very start of all this.

    How blessed we are who have been granted the great graces from God to have kept our Faith. What a treasure it is in these dark, dark days.

    Not having Faith would be a little like walking through a Dark Forest in the middle of the night.
    HeavenlyHosts, Jo M, Carol55 and 2 others like this.
  20. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I will have a look and see what else that German Seer said about what is soon to come. If Pope Benedict, the foremost Theologian in the Catholic Church believed her, she is worth reading.:)
    HeavenlyHosts, Jo M, Ananchal and 2 others like this.

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