According to this highly qualified Professor people who took the MRNA experimental vaccines will start dropping like flies around March.
We need a petition to stop this vaccine rollout especially in the care homes where people are dying in numbers after taking it.
I really hope she is wrong. She says the elderly are particularly vulnerable to the Rmna vaccine. The only way to know for definite what people die of is for them to get an autopsy. Otherwise - they can just put the deaths down as covid.
The reason she thinks this is because about 15 years ago, they tried to develop a vaccine against SARS (another coronavirus), and during the animal studies they found that mice that received the vaccine seemed fine at first, but later many of them died when exposed to an influenza virus. The Professor, distinguished though she may be, is jumping to conclusions by comparing these new vaccines to the failed one against SARS 15 years ago. 1. The technology has changed drastically since then. 2. They know what caused the adverse reaction in the mice and have changed the new vaccine to avoid it 3. The previous study was very small 4. They don’t know that humans would have that same reaction
At the same time they do not know the long term impact of these vaccines - In effect it is an experiment on humans since they skipped the animal trials with these vaccines.
In a number of countries there has been a lot of deaths particularly in frail people who have just received the vaccine, those care homes had largely low death rates until the vaccines were rolled out, covid was blamed as Delores Cahill had predicted a number of months ago. I would really like to believe these vaccines were not potentially fatal as well especially since my sister took it as she is a nurse, which makes me very sad.
If this is true there is not a Government and hardly a Medical Professional in the Western World could afford to admit to it. There would be Revolutions. I will be looking at the death/ impact figures from the use of this Experimental Vaccine in Israel come March. They are using Israel as a Giant National Experiment. The two owners of Pfizer are a husband and wife team of a Turkish/ Islamic background. Under the circumstances I will be in no mad rush to become part of the experiment.
I posted it in the vaccines thread but it makes sense here too. People are posting about the side effects after getting their first and second doses. It seems like a lot of people are having an awful time with flu like symptoms, a lot of people unable to sleep, some fainting, and more. I saw it mentioned on that site that people are expected to have a reaction 30-45 days after the vaccine but I don’t remember reading that anywhere else.
On the one hand if I get the virus it will maybe knock me off my feet for a week with something like a bad flu. I will be back on my feet and back at work in maybe a fortnight with antibodies to resist it for the next lot of month till next winter. Something like a bad flu. On the other hand if I take the experimental vaccine who knows? Better the bird in the hand I know. I just think , why take the risk? Off course the vaccine is not a one off. We would have to take it every year for the rest of our lives. I just think....errr, well no. Anyway most of my life I have been someone who loves to pray and pays attention to the Inner Voice of the Spirit. I just feel deep ,deep inner warning about all this. This is how the Holy Spirit and our Angel Guardians work. I just feel them saying no, don't do it. So that is that.
The big issue is will it only take a week or will it be serious and deadly? Thats the question to wrestle with--theres so much conflicting info out there we have 3 doctor friends who all promptly took the vaccine because they have seen this virus at work. Its so hard to know what to believe.
The mortality rates from the virus are very low unless we were quite elderly and had some serious condition. At the very least I would be inclined to wait it out a few months and not rush into it. But which if us have all the answers? I do know that many , many Doctors and nurses who attend the Chinese virus victims , including in the ICU's all over the world and have watched people die are not taking the vaccine and many others are. You pays your money and you takes your chances. But it would seem to me at the very least very wise to wait a few months. To hedge your bets. It' not something to rush into.
I agree. Totally. I have this sense i might not fare too badly if I caught the virus. I'm high risk but for some reason I feel I would make it through. My husband wants the vaccine. Everyone he knows is getting it. He seems to have no doubts at all. I have spiritual and medical concerns--deep concerns. Lots of prayer going up. I trust Our Lady will let me know.
Right. Some people are in the hospital for months with it. And some of these people are "healthy" individuals. Even little ones are getting it now. I mean, at first it was thought the young had immunity, but that was wrong. There's no guarantee who will get sick with it, and if so , how sick. This is an out of control, no known bounds epidemic. I'm still up in the air about the vaccine, and don't know what I'll do if offered it. That may be months away anyway, and by then we will, hopefully, know more about reactions to the vaccine. If it's even effective.
I think I will try to send Professor Cahill's video to some of the big Catholic sites tomorrow. People can make their own decisions but folks have the right to know. It certainly gave me a big shock watching it. People can make their own minds up, but they do deserve to be informed. Whatever.
The website I posted is pretty liberal and heavily moderated. Considering that most of the people posting there are fully supportive of the vaccine it’s shocking to see some of the side effects people are experiencing. More than one male posted about anxiety/mental anguish post vaccination. Numerous females posted about changes to their cycles. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the vaccine does mess with the reproductive system.