Hello brothers and sisters in God our Abba Father, Happy Fathers’ Day to God, the Father of fathers. Happy Fathers’ Day to all priests, our spiritual fathers. Please pray for all of them, from the Pope, cardinals, and bishops to the priests. Let’s entrust them to God the Father and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for their protection, perseverance, courage, faithfulness to Christ and His teachings, and love and care for their brethren. Happy Fathers’ Day to all biological and foster fathers. Below is the information about God the Father as He revealed Himself to Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio as the most loving Father of humanity: “…I assure you, you do not know Me as I am, because I am coming to proclaim Myself the Father of all and the most tender of fathers, in order to transform your love, which has become distorted by fear. I come to make Myself similar to My creatures, to correct the idea you have of a terrifyingly just God, as I see men spending their whole lives without confiding in their only Father, Whose only wish is to make their earthly life easier and then give them a divine life, in heaven. This is a proof that souls do not know Me any more than you do, not having overcome the idea you have about Me. But now I am giving you this light. Remain in the light and bring it to everybody, and it will be a powerful means both to obtain conversions and to shut, if possible, the gates of hell, for I now repeat My promise, which will last for ever: ALL THOSE WHO CALL ME BY THE NAME OF FATHER, EVEN IF ONLY ONCE, WILL NOT PERISH, BUT WILL BE SURE OF THEIR ETERNAL LIFE AMONG THE CHOSEN ONES.” https://fatherspeaks.net/eugenia_intro.htm Below is an English version of the book with prayers. https://fatherspeaks.net/pdf/the_father_speaks_english_v-2005-02.pdf
How awesome! Love this! I am going to download and read this! Thanks for this post.. Happy Father's Day to all Dad's on here
Blessed Happy Father Day to all dads. And since it's Father' Day, I'd like to recommend a few wonderful books written by Dr Petrisko which you can find on St Andrew's Publications. He argues that the Triumph of Mary promised at Fatima is actually about bringing humanity back to the Father, restoring the bond that was broken in Eden. He has several books on St Andrews, all of them excellent, but look at the ones about the Father's Heart. In one of them, The Face of the Father, he interviews Barbara Centilli, a seer whose mission was to spread a message of return to the Father through a consecration on August 1st, date that He requested be declared His Feast Day by the Church. The return to the Father ties in also with the year of St Joseph since he is a Father figure.
I have a few of Thomas Petrisko's books and especially recommend also, "The Kingdom of Our Father" and "Call of the Ages" - both wonderful books!
bump... God the Father’s Feast Day is on the First Sunday of August, tomorrow. short version of novena: Day 1 Octave Day 1 For the rest of the novena, visit the The Laity Advocacy Prayer Group channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24YCkfUxlpLBqSXFlakC0w
This movie is playing tomorrow May 1st in theatres in the US. am posting this here because the title is The Father's Heart. It's about St Joseph. https://www.fathomevents.com/events/A-Father's-Heart